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Isaac Watts (Исаак Уоттс)

Psalm 53

C. M.
Victory and deliverance from persecution.

Are all the foes of Zion fools,
Who thus devour her saints?
Do they not know her Savior rules,
And pities her complaints?

They shall be seized with sad surprise;
For God's revenging arm
Scatters the bones of them that rise
To do his children harm.

In vain the sons of Satan boast
Of armies in array;
When God has first despised their host
They fall an easy prey.

O for a word from Zion's King,
Her captives to restore!
Jacob with all his tribes shall sing,
And Judah weep no more. 

Isaac Watts's other poems:
  1. Hymn 109
  2. How Precious, Lord, Thy Sacred Word
  3. Psalm 81
  4. Hymn 46
  5. Examples of Early Piety

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