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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

John Keats (Джон Китс)


UNFELT unheard, unseen,
I've left my little queen,
Her languid arms in silver slumber lying:
Ah! through their nestling touch,
Who---who could tell how much
There is for madness---cruel, or complying?

Those faery lids how sleek!
Those lips how moist!---they speak,
In ripest quiet, shadows of sweet sounds:
Into my fancy's ear
Melting a burden dear,
How "Love doth know no fulness, nor no bounds."

True!---tender monitors!
I bend unto your laws:
This sweetest day for dalliance was born!
So, without more ado,
I'll feel my heaven anew,
For all the blushing of the hasty morn.

John Keats's other poems:
  1. Песня четырёх фейSong of Four Faries
  2. On Receiving a Laurel Crown from Leigh Hunt
  3. Bards of Passion and of Mirth
  4. Вступление к поэме. ОпытSpecimen of Induction to a Poem
  5. On Fame

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • William Wordsworth (Уильям Вордсворт) Lines ("STRANGER! this hillock of misshapen stones")
  • Samuel Coleridge (Сэмюэл Кольридж) Lines ("RICHER than miser o’er his countless hoards")
  • Thomas Hood (Томас Гуд (Худ)) Lines ("Let Us Make a Leap, My Dear")
  • Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди)) Lines ("Before we part to alien thoughts and aims")
  • Samuel Johnson (Сэмюэл Джонсон) Lines ("Wheresoe'er I turn my view") 1777
  • Francis Thompson (Фрэнсис Томпсон) Lines ("O tree of many branches! One thou hast")
  • Robert Burns (Роберт Бернс) Lines ("I MURDER hate by field or flood") 1790
  • William Watson (Уильям Уотсон) Lines (" Go, Verse, nor let the grass of tarrying grow")
  • Letitia Landon (Летиция Лэндон) Lines ("She kneels by the grave where her lover sleeps")
  • Oliver Holmes (Оливер Холмс) Lines ("COME back to your mother, ye children, for shame")
  • Joseph Drake (Джозеф Дрейк) Lines ("Day gradual fades, in evening gray")
  • Ebenezer Elliott (Эбенезер Эллиотт) Lines ("FROM Shirecliffe, o’er a silent sea of trees")
  • George Morris (Джордж Моррис) Lines ("O Love! the mischief thou hast done!")
  • John Lockhart (Джон Локкарт) Lines ("When youthful faith hath fled")
  • Thomas Talfourd (Томас Талфорд) Lines ("HOW simple in their grandeur are the forms ")
  • Richard Trench (Ричард Тренч) Lines ("When we are dark and dead")
  • John Reade (Джон Рид) Lines ("I KNELT down as I poured my spirit forth by that gray gate")

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