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Jean Ingelow (Джин Инджелоу)

Like a Laverock in the Lift

It's we two, it's we two, it's we two for aye,
All the world, and we two, and Heaven be our stay!
Like a laverock in the lift, sing, O bonny bride!
All the world was Adam once, with Eve by his side.

What's the world, my lass, my love! - what can it do?
I am thine, and thou art mine; life is sweet and new.
If the world have missed the mark, let it stand by;
For we two have gotten leave, and once more we'll try.

Like a laverock in the lift, sing, O bonny bride!
It's we two, it's we two, happy side by side.
Take a kiss from me, thy man; now the song begins:
'All is made afresh for us, and the brave heart wins.'

When the darker days come, and no sun will shine,
Thou shalt dry my tears, lass, and I'll dry thine.
It's we two, it's we two, while the world's away,
Sitting by the golden sheaves on our wedding-day. 

Jean Ingelow's other poems:
  1. Grand Is The Leisure Of The Earth
  2. Lovers at the Lake Side
  3. A Song in Three Parts
  4. The Monitions of the Unseen
  5. Scholar and Carpenter

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