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Thomas Campion (Томас Кэмпион)

* * *

View me, Lord, a work of thine!
Shall I then lie downed in night?
Might thy grace in me but shine,
I should seem made all of light.

Cleanse me, Lord, that I may kneel
At thine altar pure and white;
They at once thy mercies feel,
Gaze no more on earth's delight.

Worldly joys like shadows fade
When the heavenly light appears;
But the covenants Thou hast made,
Endless, know not days nor years.

In thy word, Lord, is my trust,
To thy mercies fast I fly;
Though I am but clay and dust,
Yet thy grace can lift me high. 

Thomas Campion's other poems:
  1. Fire That Must Flame Is with Apt Fuel Fed
  2. Shall I Come, Sweet Love to Thee
  3. To Music Bent Is My Retired Mind
  4. The Charm
  5. Amaryllis

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