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Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (Генри Говард, граф Сарри)

* * *

Love that doth reign and live within my thought
And built his seat within my captive breast,
Clad in the arms wherein with me he fought,
Oft in my face he doth his banner rest.
But she that taught me love and suffer pain,
My doubtful hope and eke my hot desire
With shamefast look to shadow and refrain,
Her smiling grace converteth straight to ire.
And coward Love then to the heart apace
Taketh his flight, where he doth lurk and plain
His purpose lost, and dare not show his face.
For my lord's guilt thus faultless bide I pain;
Yet from my lord shall not my foot remove:
Sweet is the death that taketh end by love. 

Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey's other poems:
  1. The Sun Hath Twice
  2. A Constant Lover Lamenteth
  3. Brittle Beauty
  4. Geue Place Ye Louers, Here Before
  5. To the Lady That Scorned Her Lover

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