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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Alfred Austin (Альфред Остин)


Since we the march of Time can not arrest,
Keep you in step with him till Time shall end:
Thus will you journey with more easeful breast,
Nor mar the rhythm that you cannot mend.
Nor ever yearn impatiently to reap
Harvest allotted unto mellower years,
But, having sown the seed, take care to keep
Its growth from tares till soaring stem appears.
Neither, when Summer from your life shall wane,
And Autumn fruit keep dropping from the bough,
Look back and sigh regretfully in vain
For joys no longer seasonable now:
Thus will your hours make music to the end,
And Life, you loved so, become Death your friend.

Alfred Austin's other poems:
  1. Invocation
  2. Madonna
  3. The Last Redoubt
  4. Why England Is Conservative
  5. Spartan Mothers

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Charles Mackay (Чарльз Маккей) Resignation ("In cold misfortune's cheerless day")
  • Robert Service (Роберт Сервис) Resignation ("I’d hate to be centipede (of legs I’ve only two)")
  • Ernest Jones (Эрнест Джонс) Resignation ("We all have our allotted task")

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