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Patrick Brontë (Патрик Бронте) The Cottager's Hymn I. My food is but spare, And humble my cot, Yet Jesus dwells there And blesses my lot: Though thinly I'm clad, And tempests oft roll, He's raiment, and bread, And drink to my soul. II. His presence is wealth, His grace is a treasure, His promise is health And joy out of measure. His word is my rest, His spirit my guide: In Him I am blest Whatever betide. III. Since Jesus is mine, Adieu to all sorrow; I ne'er shall repine, Nor think of to-morrow: The lily so fair, And raven so black, He nurses with care, Then how shall I lack? IV. Each promise is sure, That shines in His word, And tells me, though poor, I'm rich in my Lord. Hence! Sorrow and Fear! Since Jesus is nigh, I'll dry up each tear And stifle each sigh. V. Though prince, duke, or lord, Ne'er enter my shed, King Jesus my board With dainties does spread. Since He is my guest, For joy I shall sing, And ever be blest In Jesus my King. VI. With horrible din Afflictions may swell,-- They cleanse me from sin, They save me from hell: They're all but the rod Of Jesus, in love; They lead me to God And blessings above. VII. Through sickness and pain I flee to my Lord, Sweet comfort to gain, And health from His word; Bleak scarcities raise A keener desire, To feed on His grace, And wear His attire. VIII. The trials which frown, Applied by His blood, But plait me a crown, And work for my good. In praise I shall tell, When throned in my rest, The things which befell Were always the best. IX. Whatever is hid Shall burst on my sight When hence I have fled To glorious light. Should chastisements lower, Then let me resign; Should kindnesses shower, Let gratitude shine. X. Hence! Sorrow and Fear! Since Jesus is nigh, I'll dry up each tear, And stifle each sigh: And clothed in His word Will conquer my foes, And follow my Lord Wherever He goes. XI. My friends! let us fly To Jesus our King; And still as we hie, Of grace let us sing. Through pleasure and pain, If faithful we prove, For cots we shall gain A palace above. Patrick Brontë's other poems:
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