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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Charles Tennyson Turner (Чарльз Теннисон Тернер)

Mary Queen of Scots

When the young hand of Darnley locked in hers
Had knit her to her northern doom--amid
The spousal pomp of flags and trumpeters,
Her fate looked forth and was no longer hid;
A jealous brain beneath a southern crown
Wrought spells upon her; from afar she felt
The waxen image of her fortunes melt
Beneath the Tudor's eye, while the grim frown
Of her own lords o'ermastered her sweet smiles,
And nipped her growing gladness, till she mourned,
And sank, at last, beneath their cruel wiles;
But, ever since, all generous hearts have burned
To clear her fame, yes, very babes have yearned
Over this saddest story of the isles. 

Charles Tennyson Turner's other poems:
  1. On the Eclipse of the Moon of October 1865
  2. The Lattice at Sunrise
  3. The Buoy-Bell
  4. Her First-Born
  5. Our Mary and the Child Mummy

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • William Wordsworth (Уильям Вордсворт) Mary Queen of Scots ("DEAR to the Loves and to the Graces vowed")

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