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Alfred Castner King (Альфред Кастнер Кинг)

* * *

Think not that the heart is devoid of emotion,
  Because of a countenance rugged and stern,
The bosom may hide the most fervent devotion,
  As shadowy forests hide floweret and fern;
As the pearls which are down in the depths of the ocean,
  The heart may have treasures which few can discern.

Think not the heart barren, because no reflection
  Is flashed from the depths of its secret embrace;
External appearance may baffle detection,
  And yet the heart beat with an ethical grace:
The breast may be charged with the truest affection
  And never betray it by action or face.

Alfred Castner King's other poems:
  1. Humanity's Stream
  2. Nature's Lullaby
  3. The Spirit of Freedom Is Born of the Mountains
  4. To the Pines
  5. There Is an Air of Majesty

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