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Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton (Каролина Нортон)

Sonnet 5. BECAUSE I know that there is that in me

BECAUSE I know that there is that in me
Of which thou shouldst be proud, and not ashamed,--
Because I feel one made thy choice should be
Not even by fools and slanderers rashly blamed,--
Because I fear, howe'er thy soul may strive
Against the weakness of that inward pain,
The falsehoods which my enemies contrive
Not always seek to wound thine ear in vain,--
Therefore I sometimes weep, when I should smile,
At all the vain frivolity and sin
Which those who know me not (yet me revile)--
My would-be judges--cast my actions in;
But else their malice hath nor sting nor smart--
For I appeal from them, Beloved, to thine own heart!

Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton's other poems:
  1. Sonnet 15. WHEN thy light fingers touch th' obedient chords
  2. Weep Not for Him That Dieth
  3. The Chapel Royal St. James’s, on the 10th February, 1840
  4. The Sense of Beauty
  5. Sonnet 1. SWEET marble I didst thou merely represent

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