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Arthur William Symons (Артур Саймонс (Симонс))

At Glan-y-Wern

White-robed against the threefold white
Of shutter, glass and curtains' lace,
She flashed into the evening light
The brilliance of her gipsy face:
I saw the evening in her light.

Clear, from the soft hair to the mouth,
Her ardent face made manifest
The sultry beauty of the South:
Below, a red rose, climbing, pressed
Against the roses of her mouth.

So, in the window's threefold white,
O'ertrailed with foliage like a bower,
She seemed, against the evening light,
Amongst the flowers herself a flower,
A tiger-lily sheathed in white.

Arthur William Symons's other poems:
  1. Grey Hours: Naples
  2. The Andante of Snakes
  3. Pastel: Masks and Faces
  4. In Fountain Court
  5. Haschisch

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