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Alexander Pope (Александр Поуп)

On Mr. Gay

Of Manners gentle, of Affections mild;
In Wit, a Man; Simplicity, a Child:
With native Humour temp'ring virtuous Rage,
Form'd to delight at once and lash the age:
Above Temptation, in a low Estate, 5
And uncorrupted, ev'n among the Great:
A safe Companion, and an easy Friend,
Unblam'd thro' Life, lamented in thy End.
These are Thy Honours! not that here thy Bust
Is mix'd with Heroes, or with Kings thy dust; 10
But that the Worthy and the Good shall say,
Striking their pensive bosoms-
lies GAY. 

Alexander Pope's other poems:
  1. Lines on Curll
  2. On a Fan of the Author's Design
  3. In Imitation of Chaucer
  4. Song, by a Person of Quality
  5. Universal Prayer

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