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Charles Kingsley (Чарльз Кингсли)

The Night Bird

A Myth

A floating, a floating
Across the sleeping sea,
All night I heard a singing bird
Upon the topmost tree.

'Oh came you off the isles of Greece,
Or off the banks of Seine;
Or off some tree in forests free,
Which fringe the western main?'

'I came not off the old world
Nor yet from off the new—
But I am one of the birds of God
Which sing the whole night through.'

'Oh sing, and wake the dawning—
Oh whistle for the wind;
The night is long, the current strong,
My boat it lags behind.'

'The current sweeps the old world,
The current sweeps the new;
The wind will blow, the dawn will glow
Ere thou hast sailed them through.'

Eversley, 1848

Charles Kingsley's other poems:
  1. Down to the Mothers
  2. The Poetry of a Root Crop
  3. The Dead Church
  4. The Three Fishers
  5. The Last Buccaneer

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