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William Dunbar (Уильям Данбар) To the King [In hansill of this guid New Yeir] My prince in God, gif thee guid grace, Joy, glaidnes, confort, and solace, Play, pleasance, myrth, and mirrie cheir In hansill of this guid New Yeir. God gif to thee ane blissed chance, And of all vertew aboundance, And grace ay for to perseveir In hansill of this guid New Yeir. God give thee guid prosperitie, Fair fortoun and felicitie, Evirmair in earth quhill thow ar heir, In hansell of this guid New Yeir. The heavinlie Lord His help thee send Thy realme to reull and to defend, In peace and justice it to steir, In hansell of this guid New Yeir. God gif thee blis quharevir thow bownes, And send thee many Fraunce crownes, Hie liberall heart, and handis not sweir, In hansell of this guid New Yeir. William Dunbar's other poems:
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