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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд)

A Drinking Song

Come, brothers, share the fellowship
  We celebrate to-night;
There's grace of song on every lip
  And every heart is light!
But first, before our mentor chimes
  The hour of jubilee,
Let's drink a health to good old times,
  And good times yet to be!
        Clink, clink, clink!
        Merrily let us drink!
          There's store of wealth
          And more of health
        In every glass, we think.
        Clink, clink, clink!
        To fellowship we drink!
          And from the bowl
          No genial soul
        In such an hour can shrink.

And you, oh, friends from west and east
  And other foreign parts,
Come share the rapture of our feast,
  The love of loyal hearts;
And in the wassail that suspends
  All matters burthensome,
We'll drink a health to good old friends
  And good friends yet to come.
        Clink, clink, clink!
        To fellowship we drink!
          And from the bowl
          No genial soul
        In such an hour will shrink.
        Clink, clink, clink!
        Merrily let us drink!
          There's fellowship
          In every sip
        Of friendship's brew, we think.

Eugene Field's other poems:
  1. “The Old Homestead”
  2. Fitte the Fifth
  3. The Stoddards
  4. Mother and Sphinx
  5. A Spring Poem from Bion

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • William Yeats (Уильям Йейтс) A Drinking Song ("WINE comes in at the mouth")
  • George Etherege (Джордж Этеридж) A Drinking Song ("We, to Beauty, all day")

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