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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Eleanor Farjeon (Элинор Фарджон)

To My Mother

Unuttered songs fly round my thoughts like birds,
And aerially, above an earth of words,
  Imagined music on my spirit showers
  From azure-feathered throat and golden tongue.

Most dear, of the many songs I cannot sing
Yours is the bird of heavenliest wing
  Whose sunward flight beyond my following towers
  And leaves me with an impotent harp unstrung.

And yet the shadow of my song for you
Falls on my heart forever as a dew,
  Or the dim-breathing soul of evening flowers
  That love the delicate light of stars still young.

These lesser songs that all who listen may hear
Shall we call yours for a day, most dear, most dear?--
  Knowing there is one other, only ours,
  For ever singing, and for ever unsung.

Eleanor Farjeon's other poems:
  1. Sonnets. 1. Man Cannot Be a Sophist to His Heart
  2. Two Choruses from “Merlin in Broceliande”
  3. In the Oculist's Anteroom
  4. Wild Hyacinth
  5. Sonnets. 6. Certain among Us Walk in Loneliness

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Christina Rossetti (Кристина Россетти) To My Mother ("To-day's your natal day")
  • Edwin Arnold (Эдвин Арнольд) To My Mother ("The crimson sun is sinking")
  • Felicia Hemans (Фелиция Хеманз) To My Mother ("IF e'er for human bliss or woe")
  • Edgar Poe (Эдгар По) To My Mother ("Because I feel that, in the Heavens above")
  • Archibald Lampman (Арчибальд Лампмен) To My Mother ("Mother, to whose valiant will")
  • Louisa Costello (Луиза Костелло) To My Mother ("Yes, I have sung of others' woes")

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