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George Henry Borrow (Джордж Генри Борроу)

Youthful Maidens

Love, with rosy fetter,
Held us firmly bound;
Pure unmix'd enjoyment
Grateful here we found.
Bosom, bosom meeting,
'Gainst our youths we press'd;
Bright the moon arose, then,
Glad to see us blest.

Denmark's honour beckon'd,
Loud the canon roar'd;
Perish'd in the battle
They whom we ador'd.
Sweet is, grave, thy slumber,
Free from care and noise;
Short are earthly sorrows,-
Endless heaven's joys.

George Henry Borrow's other poems:
  1. Waldemar's Chase
  2. The Broken Harp
  3. Lines to Six-Foot Three
  4. Glee
  5. Miscellanies

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