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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Emily Pauline Johnson (Эмили Полин Джонсон)

Guard of the Eastern Gate

    Halifax sits on her hills by the sea
        In the might of her pride, -
    Invincible, terrible, beautiful, she
        With a sword at her side.

    To right and to left of her, battlements rear
        And fortresses frown;
    While she sits on her throne without favour or fear
        With her cannon as crown.

    Coast guard and sentinel, watch of the weal
        Of a nation she keeps;
    But her hand is encased in a gauntlet of steel,
        And her thunder but sleeps.

Emily Pauline Johnson's other poems:
  1. Beyond the Blue
  2. Overlooked
  3. The City and the Sea
  4. At Crow's Nest Pass
  5. Prairie Greyhounds

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