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Alexander Brome (Александр Бром)

The Cheerful Heart


WHat though these ill times do go cross to our will?
And fortune still frowns upon us?
Our hearts are our own, and they shall be so still;
A pin for the plagues they lay on us.
Let us take t'other cup,
To keep our hearts up,
And let it be purest Canary;
We'l ne'r shrink or care,
For the crosses we bear,
Let 'um plague us until they be weary.


What though we are made, both beggars and slaves,
Let us stoutly endure it, and drink on:
'Tis our comfort we suffer, 'cause we will not be knaves,
Our redemption will come e're we think on't.
We must flatter and fear
Those that over us are,
And make 'um believe that we love 'um,
When their tyranny's past,
We will serve them at last,
As they serv'd those that have been above 'um.


The Levites do preach, for the Goose and the Pig,
To drink wine but at Christmas and Easter;
The Doctour doth labour our lives to new-trig;
And makes nature to fast, but we feast her;
The Lawyer doth bawl,
Out his lungs and his gall,
For the Plantiff and for the Defendant;
At books the Scholar lies,
Till by Flatus he dies,
With the ugly hard word at the end on't


But here's to the man that delights in Sol fa,
'Tis Sack is his only Rosin;
A load of heigh-ho's are not worth a ha, ha;
He's the man for my money that draws in.
Come a pin for this Muck
And a fig for ill Luck;
'Tis better be blyth and frolick,
Then to sigh out our breath,
And invite our own death
By the Gout or the stone, and the cholick.

Alexander Brome's other poems:
  1. To a Lady that turned her Cheek
  2. Plain Dealing
  3. The Counsel
  4. On the Queens Arrival
  5. The Pastoral

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