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Nicholas Breton (Николас Бретон)

An Odd Conceit

LOVELY kind, and kindly loving,
Such a mind were worth the moving;
Truly fair, and fairly true--
Where are all these, but in you?

Wisely kind, and kindly wise;
Blessed life, where such love lies!
Wise, and kind, and fair, and true--
Lovely live all these in you.

Sweetly dear, and dearly sweet;
Blessed, where these blessings meet!
Sweet, fair, wise, kind, blessed, true--
Blessed be all these in you!

Nicholas Breton's other poems:
  1. A Sweet Pastoral
  2. Aglaia
  3. A Sweet Contention between Love, his Mistress, and Beauty
  4. A Quarrel with Love
  5. A Pastoral (SWEET birds! that sit and sing among the shady valleys)

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