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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Edna St. Vincent Millay (Эдна Сент-Винсент Миллей)


Listen, children:
Your father is dead.
From his old coats
I’ll make you little jackets;
I’ll make you little trousers
From his old pants.
There’ll be in his pockets
Things he used to put there,
Keys and pennies
Covered with tobacco;
Dan shall have the pennies
To save in his bank;
Anne shall have the keys
To make a pretty noise with.
Life must go on,
And the dead be forgotten;
Life must go on,
Though good men die;
Anne, eat your breakfast;
Dan, take your medicine;
Life must go on;
I forget just why.

Edna St. Vincent Millay's other poems:
  1. Scrub
  2. Assault
  3. Grown-up
  4. The True Encounter
  5. Fontaine, Je Ne Boirai Pas De Ton Eau!

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди)) Lament ("How she would have loved")
  • Robert Binyon (Роберт Биньон) Lament ("Fall now, my cold thoughts, frozen fall")
  • Bliss Carman (Блисс Кармен) Lament ("When you hear the white-throat pealing")
  • Dylan Thomas (Дилан Томас) Lament ("When I was a windy boy and a bit")

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