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Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус)

Marriage Bells

Music and silver chimes and sunlit air, 
Freighted with the scent of honeyed orange-flower; 
Glad, friendly festal faces everywhere. 
She, rapt from all in this unearthly hour, 
With cloudlike, cast-back veil and faint-flushed cheek, 
In bridal beauty moves as in a trance 
Alone with him, and fears to breathe, to speak, 
Lest the rare, subtle spell dissolve perchance. 
But he upon that floral head looks down, 
Noting the misty eyes, the grave sweet brow-- 
Doubts if her bliss be perfect as his own, 
And dedicates anew with inward vow 
His soul unto her service, to repay 
Richly the sacrifice she yields this day.

Emma Lazarus's other poems:
  1. The World's Justice
  2. The Taming of the Falcon
  3. August Moon
  4. Agamemnon's Tomb
  5. The New Ezekiel

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