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John Harington (Джон Харингтон)

An Elegy of a Pointed Diamond Given by the Author to His Wife at the Birth of His Eldest Son

DEAR, I to thee this diamond commend,
In which a model of thyself I send.
How just unto thy joints this circlet sitteth,
So just thy face and shape my fancy fitteth.
The touch will try this ring of purest gold,
My touch tries thee, as pure though softer mold.
That metal precious is, the stone is true,
As true, and then how much more precious you.
The gem is clear, and hath nor needs no foil,
Thy face, nay more, thy fame is free from soil.
You'll deem this dear, because from me you have it,
I deem your faith more dear, because you gave it.
This pointed diamond cuts glass and steel,
Your love's like force in my firm heart I feel.
But this, as all things else, time wastes with wearing,
Where you my jewels multiply with bearing.

John Harington's other poems:
  1. On the Wares in Ireland
  2. Ingratitude
  3. Slander
  4. Beauty
  5. О мятежеOf Treason

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