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Thomas Wyatt (Томас Уайетт)

Stand Whoso List

Stand whoso list upon the slipper top
   Of court’s estates, and let me here rejoice;
And use me quiet without let or stop,
   Unknown in court, that hath such brackish joys:
      In hidden place, so let my days forth pass,
   That when my years be done, withouten noise,
      I may die agèd after the common trace,
For him death gripeth right hard by the crope
   That is much known of other; and of himself alas,
   Doth die unknown, dazed with dreadful face.

Thomas Wyatt's other poems:
  1. What Needeth these Threnning Words and Wasted Wind
  2. In Spain
  3. Mine Own John Poynz
  4. Since so Ye Please
  5. Of the Mean and Sure Estate

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