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Charles Tennyson Turner (Чарльз Теннисон Тернер)

Missing the Meteors

A hint of rain--a touch of lazy doubt--
Sent me to bedward on that prime of nights,
When the air met and burst the aerolites,
Making the men stare and the children shout:
Why did no beam from all that rout and rush
Of darting meteors, pierce my drowsed head?
Strike on the portals of my sleep? and flush
My spirit through mine eyelids, in the stead
Of that poor vapid dream? My soul was pained,
My very soul, to have slept while others woke,
While little children their delight outspoke,
And in their eyes' small chambers entertained
Far motions of the Kosmos! I mistook
The purpose of that night--it had not rained.

Charles Tennyson Turner's other poems:
  1. On the Eclipse of the Moon of October 1865
  2. The Lattice at Sunrise
  3. The Buoy-Bell
  4. The Sonneteer to the Sea-Shell
  5. Her First-Born

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