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Charles Heavysege (Чарльз Хевиседж)

The Fallen Angels

'Twas on a day, and in high, radiant heaven,
An angel lay beside a lake reclined,
Against whose shores the rolling waves were driven,
And beat the measure to the dancing wind.
There, rapt, he meditated on that story
Of how Jehovah did of yore expel
Heaven's aborigines from grace and glory—
Those mighty angels that did dare rebel.
And, as he mused upon their dread abode
And endless penance, from his drooping hands
His harp down sank, and scattered all abroad
Its rosy garland on the golden sands;
His soul mute wondering that the All-wise Spirit
Should have allowed the doom of such demerit.

Charles Heavysege's other poems:
  1. Song from Count Filippo
  2. Childhood Alone Is Glad
  3. Secrets of the Heart
  4. The Coming of Morn
  5. The Infinite

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