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Charles Tennyson Turner (Чарльз Теннисон Тернер)

The Planet and the Tree

The evening breeze is blowing from the lea
Upon the fluttering elm; thou hast a mind,
O star! methinks, to settle in the tree--
But, ever baffled by the pettish wind,
Thou movest back and forward, and I find
A pastime for my thoughts in watching thee;
In thy vast orbit thou art rolling now,
And wottest not how to my human eye
Thou seemest flouted by a waving bough,
Serving my fancy's needs right pleasantly;
Thou wottest not--but He who made thee knows
Of all thy fair results both far and near,
Of all thine earthly, all thine heavenly shows--
The expression of thy beauty there and here.

Charles Tennyson Turner's other poems:
  1. On the Eclipse of the Moon of October 1865
  2. The Buoy-Bell
  3. The Lattice at Sunrise
  4. Her First-Born
  5. The Sonneteer to the Sea-Shell

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