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Trumbull Stickney (Трамбэлл Стикни)

* * *

THEY lived enamoured of the lovely moon,
The dawn and twilight on their gentle lake.
Then Passion marvellously born did shake
Their breast and drave them into the mid-noon.
Their lives did shrink to one desire, and soon
They rose fire-eyed to follow in the wake
Of one eternal thought,--when sudden brake
Their hearts. They died, in miserable swoon.
Of all their agony not a sound was heard.
The glory of the Earth is more than they.
She asks her lovely image of the day:
A flower grows, a million boughs are green,
And over moving ocean-waves the bird
Chases his shadow and is no more seen.

Trumbull Stickney's other poems:
  1. On Some Shells Found Inland
  2. You Say, Columbus with his Argosies
  3. In Ampezzo
  4. In a City Garden
  5. Be Still. The Hanging Gardens Were a Dream

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